Hot Take: Apparently, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler really wanted to punish you for not buying Star Wars tickets in advance and making the decision to see something else since you’re at the theater. Predictable and not funny enough isn’t a good combination especially when saddled with a 2 hour run time.
Often, the best part of seeing a comedy at the cinema rather than in the privacy of your own home is the crowd. So, maybe seeing Sisters on opening night of Star Wars: The Force Awakens wasn’t the best idea? Looking around prior to the movie’s start, the crowd didn’t look all that excited to be there. Maybe they couldn’t get a last minute ticket to the biggest movie release in years. Maybe it was the ridiculously long concession lines. Maybe it was the cheers coming from the 10 other theaters playing Star Wars. Who knows! But the vibe wasn’t there.
As for the movie, if you’ve seen the trailer, you’ve seen most of the movie’s funniest moments. There are a few other laugh out loud scenes (delivered mostly by the supporting cast) and a few smirking chuckles but they are few and far between. The movie itself spends way too much time trying to actually be a credible movie with a point (one that has been done to the level of cliché and expected) and because of the attempt, drags on for too long.
Where Sisters fails is in it’s attempt to marry really easy, sophomoric humor with a serious message about growing up and maturing. And even though the pairing of Fey and Poehler works well, the pairing of the style of humor and the message don’t.
“Spoiler Free” Pros
- John Cena
So far, in small doses, Cena works well in comedies. Earlier this year, his bit part in Trainwreck was very funny and he adds a few funny moments in Sisters, too. - There’s A Lot of Energy
The cast is invested (especially Fey, Poehler and Bobby Moynihan) which is surprising because this is one of those times where you’d expect to bash a movie for the star’s decision to phone it in. They didn’t. It just didn’t work.
“Spoiler Free” Cons
- Where’s the Editor?
Wow! Sisters drags on forever. Like the last few skits on a bad midseason episode of Saturday Night Live which typically run a minute or two longer than they should. Extrapolate that out to movie length and this one probably overstays it’s welcome by about 25-30 minutes. - Fey and Poehler Are Too Smart For Dumb & Dumber
The inconsistency of Fey and Poehler’s characters are hard to accept. At some points, they are super insightful and smart. At others, it’s basically a female Lloyd and Harry.