Hot Take: Ever see a Will Ferrell movie before? Well, it’s about the same as the others. That’s not the worst thing in the world but it isn’t the best, either. If movies were segmented, the last 15 minutes might be up for an award. The rest is forgettable but entertaining.
Give Daddy’s Home credit for great timing. Thanks to it’s release date, the winner of the best alternative to Star Wars at the box office has been the Will Ferrell/Mark Wahlberg comedy. However, it feels awfully familiar (partially because of trailer fatigue but partially because it’s kind of like every other Will Ferrell movie) and you’ll probably compare it to 10 other movies you’ve seen. It’ll also feel like it could have been a lot better which the studio must have thought throughout the development process since 5 different writers received a screenwriting credit. (Note to studio: It could have been punched up a few more times.)
This isn’t saying Daddy’s Home doesn’t have it’s moments and the last 15 minutes are worth the price of admission (if you went to a matinee or your theater has a discount ticket day) but the movie misses the mark more often than it hits.
“Spoiler Free” Pros
- Hannibal Buress
Most likely you know Buress as the guy who opened the can of worms on Bill Cosby. Here’s another reason to know him as Buress’ limited role is a funny one. - The (Second Half of the) Third Act
At 96 minutes, Daddy’s Home is a quick view. Since you’ve seen the highlights of the first 80 minutes in previews, you might skip them (and sneak into Star Wars again) but time it out to catch the last 15-20.
“Spoiler Free” Cons
- Predictable
You’ll see it coming from a mile away. All of it. - Lazy
There are times where Ferrell and Wahlberg look like they are sleepwalking through their parts. - Do We Really Need the Sequel Teaser?
There seems to be two buckets all movies fall into these days: “Oscar Bait” or “Sequel Ready” and that’s ok. But sometimes it’s just too damn forced.