Hot Take: Gods of Egypt
Hot Take: Although it was most fun I’ve had watching a terrible movie in quite some time, how the hell does this movie get a green light?
Early on, it was pointed out by the narrator that Gods of Egypt took place before history began. This should have been a tip-off the typical rules would not apply to this prehistoric whitewashing of Egyptian mythology. However, even if it was, the ridiculousness of Gods of Egypt has to go down in cinematic history as one of the worst films with a budget greater than $100 million. Yet, despite it’s racial insensitivity, pointlessness and overall terribleness, there’s something highly watchable about Gods of Egypt. I guess it’s not farfetched to compare it to when you slow down as you drive past a horrific wreck on the highway. Sure, you have somewhere better to be and you don’t really want to see the carnage but you can’t help but gaze upon the wreck.Read More →