Deadpool and six other movies are released into the DVD wild this week. MHT has seen three of the seven movies and can b.s. the rest in this week’s edition of “Buy It, Rent It, Stream It, Skip It!” for the week of May 10th:
Deadpool (Read our Movie Hot Take from earlier this year)
Super Simple Synopsis: Marvel’s anti-hero gets it’s origin story.
Why Buy?
You loved it in theaters and can’t wait to see it at home, again. You missed it in theaters but love Marvel or Ryan Reynolds or both!
Why Rent?
You want to go back and catch all the little things you missed but don’t need to own it to do it.
Why Stream?
You aren’t a big fan o comic book movies but the R rating and Ryan Reynolds are enough to get you to see it.
Why Skip?
You’re anti-fun.
MHT Verdict: Buy it!
This was the second best comic book movie (until Captain America: Civil War) of all-time. It’s still a good movie and a lot of fun.
The Boy (Read our Movie Hot Take from earlier this year)
Super Simple Synopsis: A woman is hired to babysit a creepy, psychopathic doll.
Why Buy?
You like horror movies so much, you’ll even buy crappy ones.
Why Rent?
You avoided seeing this in theaters but you can’t stop yourself now that you can watch it at home on the cheap.
Why Stream?
You figure this is what an unlimited streaming service is for when movies like this appear.
Why Skip?
You got your fill of dolls come to life after the 217 Chucky movies.
MHT Verdict: Stream it!
Was it terrible? Maybe. It’s got just enough entertainment in it to make it worth a viewing if you like cheesy horror flicks.
Captive (Did Not Review)
Super Simple Synopsis: A prisoner escapes, murders a few people and takes a meth addict hostage in her apartment. Faith-based book reading ensues.
Why Buy?
Your family has put a parental block on Lifetime.
Why Rent?
Your family has put a parental block on Lifetime and left you less than $10 in your wallet.
Why Stream?
You’re being held captive by an escaped prisoner and all you have is access to this video and an inspirational book and need a blueprint.
Why Skip?
You figured out the password.
MHT Verdict: Skip it!
This bombed at the box office, received poor critical reviews and audiences didn’t care for it much. What more do you need?
Creative Control (Did Not Review)
Super Simple Synopsis: There’s a future with Augmented reality technology and it’s black-and-white.
Why Buy?
You love indie films that are experimental and visually impressive.
Why Rent?
You heard Reggie Watts is in it and you’re a big fan of The Late Late Show with James Corden.
Why Stream?
You donated $15 or more to the Kickstarter campaign which scored you an HD download of the film so that’s technically streaming, right?
Why Skip?
You figure if you’re finally going to watch a black-and-white film, you should watch Casablanca or Schindler’s List first.
MHT Verdict: Rent it!
The slick visuals alone make this one worth a look.
Regression (Did Not Review)
Super Simple Synopsis: A young girl accuses her father of unspeakable crimes. He admits guilt but can’t remember what happens. A psychologist and detective try and uncover the truth.
Why Buy?
You’re as confused as I am and have to know what happens plus you think Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson are great performers.
Why Rent?
You figure if it’s good, you’re only going to be able to watch this unnerving movie once anyway
Why Stream?
You have just enough interest in it to click the play button on Netflix and not much more.
Why Skip?
You decided a few months ago you weren’t going to see this but can’t remember why.
MHT Verdict: Stream it!
This unusual thriller didn’t get much attention during it’s very limited release but with a handful of good actors and a mysterious plot, if you watch the trailer you almost can’t help but want to know what the heck is going on.
Synchronicity (Did Not Review)
Super Simple Synopsis: Your typical time-bending, tear in the fabric of the universe Sci-Fi flick.
Why Buy?
Your future self came back to tell you to buy it. Hopefully, he/she told you to avoid Mother’s Day, too.
Why Rent?
You figure you can’t go wrong when the movie is compared to Blade Runner and Memento. Who are you to wonder why it never got a bigger release at theaters with these types of comparisons?
Why Stream?
You’re always intrigued by time travel movies but never forget the time you watched A Sound of Thunder.
Why Skip?
Your future self went back to the 1950s and sent you a bunch of letters and one of them mentioned not seeing this movie, you think. Honestly, you lost interest after one of the letters mentioned Donald Trump possibly becoming President and figured someone was playing a trick on you.
MHT Verdict: Stream it!
Time travel movies are great… except A Sound of Thunder. That movie sucked!
Where to Invade Next (See our Movie Hot Take from earlier this year)
Super Simple Synopsis: More Michael Moore.
Why Buy?
You own Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Sicko and Capitalism: A Love Story.
Why Rent?
You love Moore’s documentaries but their too depressing to watch more than once.
Why Stream?
You hate Michael Moore but want to argue with those who like him because, well, you’re THAT guy (or girl).
Why Skip?
You already know where to invade next… The Falkland Islands!
MHT Verdict: Rent it!
Moore’s documentaries are always thought provoking. This isn’t one of best but it’s still got enough in the tank to get you there.