A 6-pack of releases are headed your way this week with Disney’s Earth Day release, Born In China, leading the way and the Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Zac Efron-led Baywatch big screen conversion pulling up the rear. Here’s what to buy, rent, stream and skip for the week of August 29, 2017:
Buy It!
Super Simple Synopsis: Disney releases a nature documentary in celebration of Earth Day and this year’s features animals indigenous to China.
Why Buy?
It’s cute, entertaining and education and I’m sure some of the proceeds go to a good cause (although most go to Disney, let’s not be naïve).
Rent It!
Super Simple Synopsis: Dean recently lost his mother and is now struggling dealing with his father selling his childhood home, his ex-fiancée getting married and a career rut so he goes to Los Angeles.
Why Rent?
It looks adequately quirky.
Stream It!
Bring It On: Worldwide #Cheersmack –NO REVIEW–
Super Simple Synopsis: YABIOF (Yet Another Bring It On Flick)
Why Stream?
The 6th time’s the charm?
Inconceivable –NO REVIEW–
Super Simple Synopsis: One of those twisted psycho surrogate movies that gets made every few months.
Why Stream?
Nicholas Cage and Gina Gershon are still making movies which, honestly, blows my mind. That’s why it made the Stream It! list over the Skip It! list.
Skip It!
Super Simple Synopsis: Big screen version of the TV show but without the entertaining parts.
Why Skip?
As much of a fan of “The Rock” and Zac Efron I am, my recommendation of skipping this one altogether should carry a little bit of weight.
Killing Hasselhoff –NO REVIEW–
Super Simple Synopsis: Due to financial troubles, a man must kill David Hasselhoff to win his death pool.
Why Skip?
Do you really have to ask?