Hot Take: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Hot Take: Very good, fun, action-packed original with a compelling central character. Iconic. Not great though.
When I was 5, Raiders of the Lost Ark was amazing. It was released the day before my 5th birthday and while I don’t remember when I saw it first, I know it was in theaters and my recollection is having the highest praise a 5-year-old could have for it. I loved the movie and couldn’t wait for more. When I was 15, it was still fun but Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was a better movie and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade had a better story. Still, it was the first and nothing can take that away. In my early 30s, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out and really made me respect what we had with the first three films. Now, with a planned Indiana Jones 5 and an opportunity to see Raiders of the Lost Ark on the big screen again, I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. (That and my only new first run feature to see was Kung Fun Panda 3.)Read More →