Hot Take: The Lobster
Hot Take: Unique. Maybe too unique. (Is that possible?) If you polled the audience afterward, 80% of them got it and 90% of those people are lying. Welcome to the king of art house porn for 2016.
I didn’t hate The Lobster. I didn’t love The Lobster, either. Honestly, I didn’t know what to make of the film. It’s been about two days and I still don’t really know what to make of it. It’s funny to read through the reviews of the film and see how many different takes there are. Even funnier is how they are confidentially presented as fact. Unless you wrote it or spoke directly to the person who wrote it and he told you exactly what he meant, I’m calling bullshit. You can think you know what you just watched but with The Lobster, you don’t really know.Read More →