Hot Take: Wonder Woman
Hot Take: Wonder Woman is a wonderful film. It even overcomes comic film fatigue… and that’s saying a lot. Best film of the year (as of June 4) but 2017 still doesn’t have a 5 star movie yet.
The best part of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was the first appearance of Wonder Woman. At the time, seeing Gal Gadot don the tiara and knowing there was a future solo film was exciting. Add in the fact that 2017 has been particularly bereft of great films and Wonder Woman was primed for a turn in the spotlight. By weekend’s end, it looks like the origin story of this DCEU character is likely to top $100 million at the box office which will not only be considered a pretty big success for the film, it’s also the highest grossing opening weekend for a film directed by a female. The bigger question, though, is was Wonder Woman any good?
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